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Supporters Bulletin 03/2020

The REHVA COVID-19 Task Force will soon publish the 2nd review of the guidelines on how to operate building systems during the pandemic relying on the latest academic evidence available.  The new release, expected to be published in July, will focus on how to return to buildings after the lockdown and will provide specific guidance for certain components, buildings/space types and mitigation measures.

In the past weeks, REHVA has received a massive amount of inquiries on how to “restart” buildings and safely use their components. To answer these most urgent questions, we release two system specific guidance documents on fan coils operation in case recirculation can’t be avoided and on measures to minimise air-leakages across rotary heat exchangers

For all the new content  REHVA COVID-19 guidance page!

REHVA Publications REHVA Publications
GB9: Hygiene Requirement For Ventilation And Air Conditioning

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generatedAfter COVID-19 lockdowns and buildings reopening, it will be very important to comply with industry standards and the attention will have to be put on the cleanliness of the ventilation systems. REHVA Guidebook No. 9: Hygiene Requirement for Ventilation and Air Conditioning provides guidance on hygiene requirements for planning, installation, maintenance and operation and describes appropriate test procedures and test criteria for ventilation and air-conditioning systems and air-handling units.


This Guidebook applies to all ventilation and air-conditioning systems and air-handling units and their central or decentralised components which influence the quality of the supply air. It is intended to provide a holistic formulation of hygiene-related constructional, technical and organisational requirements supplementing current regulations, ISO–, EN-standards and VDI standards. This guidebook addresses all those involved in the planning, manufacture, execution, operation and maintenance of ventilating and air-conditioning systems.

Get your guidebook


Guidebook No. 11: Air Filtration in HVAC Systems

(coming soon)


This guidebook presents the theory of air filtration with some basic principles of the physics of pollutants and their effects on indoor air quality while keeping the focus on the practical design, installation and operation of filters in air handling systems. It is intended for designers, manufacturers, installers, and building owners. With its theory, practical solutions and illustrations, this guide is also an excellent textbook for higher vocational education and training of technicians and specialists in building services engineering.





EU Policy news EU Policy news
REHVA blog: Healthy buildings and green recovery in the post-covid Europe
REHVA blog: Healthy buildings and green recovery in the post-covid Europe

The EU economy is forecasted to shrink by 7.4% this year with an uneven economic impact across the EU and the different economic sectors. The HVAC sector, which stared 2020 over expectations according to many industry representatives, was not among the most hit sectors during the crisis, although the impact of recession in the construction sector is yet to be seen. Still, as a key sector...

Green finance: Parliament adopts criteria for sustainable investments
Have your say! Renovation Wave initiative
Webinars Webinars
Recording webinar | #EPBstandards linked to health and wellbeing

This 5th webinar introduced and demonstrated the definition of indoor climate and other health related indoor conditions requirements as set out in one of the EPB standards, EN 16798-1. In particular, it showed the thermal comfort requirements and how they can be evaluated by the calculation methods defined in the EPB standards. As a follow-up to the 4th webinar, it showed further applications and possibilities of an hourly calculation method beyond the energy needs calculation.

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