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REHVA Newsletter 07/2019 TEST 2
Test newsletter
REHVA Community news REHVA Community news
QUEST project kicks off at EUSEW 2019
European Policy Center released paper on »Creating a digital roadmap for a circular economy«
A short report on the REHVA-CAHVAC Workshop in CLIMA conference Bucharest 2019
Report on the participation in CIAR 2019 Conference in Santiago do Chile
EU Projects EU Projects

The overall goal of the TRI-HP project is to develop and validate flexible energy-efficient and affordable trigeneration systems. The systems will be based on electrically driven natural refrigerant (propane and carbon dioxide) heat pumps coupled with renewable electricity generators (PV), using cold (ice slurry), warm and electricity storages to provide heating, cooling and electricity to multi-family residential buildings with a renewable share of 80%.


The consortium aims promoting the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme (EVCS) as backbone along the whole deep renovation process of non-residential buildings. The adoption of this harmonized procedure will encourage investment and accelerate the transition towards an NZE non-residential building stock.


The overall aim of MOBISTYLE is to raise consumer awareness and motivate behavioral change towards energy efficient building usage by providing attractive personalized combined knowledge services on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle, by ICT-based solutions.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Beside allowing the end user energy monitoring to offer the end user information on occupant’s health and their indoor environmental quality. To complement the existing energy monitoring system with body monitoring by several low-cost non-intrusive wearables and indoor environment evaluation by installing state-of-the-art smart sensors. 
  • To transform measured data into understandable information for identified user profiles raising awareness on energy use, health and indoor environment. 
  • To develop easy to use ICT-based tools which will make energy monitoring a well-accepted and attractive ‘daily activity’ (routine). 
  • To motivate behavioral change of end users by combined modular information on energy use, health and lifestyle. 
  • To deploy and validate the developed solutions for 5 demonstration cases featuring different building types and end user types: patients in a  rehabilitation clinic, residents in a social housing, students and staff in university buildings, residents living in a smart city, guests staying in a hotel. 
  • To foster new business models and applications.
Part 1: Interview with REHVA past president, Francis Allard

In this video, we interviewed our past president, Francis Allard from AICVF, France. We asked Francis what REHVA means to him, and how the association evolved since his presidency.

Events Events
Browse past events' presentations
Browse past events' presentations

Every year, REHVA organises events and seminars on key topics from different countries that are addressed and exposed. The Annual Conference and Meeting is organised once a year which takes in one of REHVA’s member associations on a rotating basis.

Climate World Russia

10 - 13 March 2020,
Moscow, Russia

Aquatherm Moscow 2020

11 - 14 February 2020,
Moscow, Russia

AIVC 2019 Conference - From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate

15 - 16 October 2019,
Ghent, Belgium

PZITS 100th Anniversary Workshop

03 - 04 October 2019,
Warsaw, Poland

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062