João Pedro Sousa Mota (center): winner of the REHVA Student Competition.

Why and how did you decide to do your thesis on this topic? How did you manage (financing, etc)?

I chose the topic based on the specific needs of our project. The work was developed during the final stages of the project, where our prototype was being refined to ensure it would be comfortable and ready for deployment in real working conditions. I was particularly interested in participating in this project because it was a collaboration between my academic institution and industry, providing me with my first true research experience.

In terms of financing, I applied for a research fellowship that enabled me to participate in the project, develop the work for my master’s thesis, and receive financial support. This fellowship was crucial in allowing me to focus on my research without the added stress of financial constraints.

If you wish to develop this project further, how will you develop this in the future?

As of now, I’m not involved in the project anymore. If I was, my next step would be to collaborate with industry partners to pilot the proposed solutions in real-world settings. Additionally, it would be crucial to refine the technology based on practical feedback and data from these implementations.

Why did you come upon participating in the Ordem Dos Engenheiros National Competition?

Participating in the Ordem Dos Engenheiros National Competition was the natural step to take. It provided an excellent platform to showcase my research and to benchmark it against the best in the field. The competition also offered an opportunity to network with leading professionals and peers. I was encouraged by my thesis supervisors who believed in the potential impact of my work, which further motivated me to take part in this prestigious competition.

 Would you like to say a few words about your experience both at the REHVA Student Competition and the HVAC World Student Competition?

My experiences at both the REHVA Student Competition and the HVAC World Student Competition were immensely rewarding and enriching. I had the chance to present my work to the jury and received constructive feedback that helped refine my presentation. The exposure to diverse projects from other students was inspiring and provided new perspectives.

The HVAC World Student Competition in South Korea was equally remarkable. It was an incredible opportunity to interact with students from around the globe and exchange ideas. Both competitions have significantly broadened my horizons.

What is your best memory from your experience in Istanbul and South Korea?

I have many warm memories from both countries. Winning both the European and World competitions was a remarkable experience as it recognized my hard work and dedication. Additionally, both countries are rich in culture and history, which allowed me to broaden my perspective of the world. Lastly, the hospitality of the locals and the friendships formed among the competition participants made the experience truly memorable and enriching.

Pages 69 - 69

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