Task forces and guidebooks

REHVA’s mission to help the exchange of technical information and knowledge transfer, and to disseminate the latest technology developments to foster high-quality European engineering practice. The Technology and Research Committee (TRC) oversees the related activities.

The most important outcome of this work are the REHVA European Guidebooks, written by REHVA Task forces, which are international groups of REHVA experts cumulating latest European knowledge about various topics in our field.

Learn more about our Technology and Research Committee.

EPBD Guidance

EPBD Guidance

How to calculate EP-value according to revised EPBD

Revised EPBD includes many new items among which EP-value calculation based on the total primary energy instead of non-renewable primary energy maybe seen as a fundamental change. How to calculate EP-value according to EPBD recast and set corresponding energy and operational CO2 thresholds for zero emission buildings would be a great question for energy experts in all Member States starting to implement the directive. REHVA experts have prepared methodology including assessment boundaries and calculation rules illustrated with calculation examples for primary energy and CO2 indicators to support harmonised implementation of EPBD so that the ‘energy efficiency first’ principle is followed. Efficiency first principle stresses that energy consumption both from non-renewable and renewable energy carriers should be minimised through efficiency measures, and to cover the remaining energy consumption, renewable energy generation should be used as much as possible.

Read EPBD Guidance 2024

European research projects

European research projects

The European Union dedicates a large part of its central research funding programmes to develop energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and tools to achieve a decarbonised and high performing building stock in Europe. REHVA has been involved in more than 35 projects in the past 15 years.

These European projects develop new technologies, and solution, support the market deployment of innovative technologies, or develop the capacities of professionals in the field of buildings energy efficiency and indoor environment quality.

Have a look at the latest EU projects!

Feasibility study about the inspection of standalone ventilation systems (EPBD19a)

Feasibility study about the inspection of standalone ventilation systems (EPBD19a)

The European Commission launched a service tender in 2018 to elaborate a feasibility study on the inspection of standalone ventilation systems and an optional building passport where REHVA has joined as subcontractor the winning consortium led by INVIE and BPIE. REHVA is involved in the first part of the tender, feasibility study on the possible introduction of the inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems, with the tasks to conduct a survey among its Member Associations, review of existing regulations, guidelines, standards and other initiatives on the inspection of stand-alone ventilation system, assess the development of the stock of ventilation systems in EU buildings till 2050 and analyse the relevance, feasibility and scope of possible measures for inspection.

Want to know more? Visit the study website!

REHVA's aim is to bring together the best available knowledge of the HVAC sector in Europe. Many of our productions are available freely to all and we are proud of that. Your donations will help us to continue our activities and to keep on sharing knowledge with all. Thank you!

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