RJ - April issue
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REHVA Journal - April issue


The April issue of our REHVA Journal is out now! 
"EPBD accepted by EU Parliament - REHVA guidance explaining EPBD"

For this issue, we had the pleasure to welcome Jarek Kurnitski as writer of the editorial, who introduced this issue with the following question: "How to calculate EP-value according to revised EPBD?"


"Revised EPBD includes many new items among which EP-value calculation based on the total primary energy instead of non-renewable primary energy maybe seen as a fundamental change. How to calculate EP-value according to EPBD recast and set corresponding energy and operational CO₂ thresholds for zero emission buildings would be a great question for energy experts in all Member States starting to implement the directive. REHVA experts have prepared methodology including assessment boundaries and calculation rules illustrated with calculation examples for primary energy and CO₂ indicators to support harmonised implementation of EPBD so that the ‘energy efficiency first’ principle is followed."

Read the full editorial here


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