REHVA welcomes a new Associate Organisation: GBC Croatia!

The Green Building Council Croatia (GBC Croatia) is the largest organization in Croatia dedicated to sustainable construction, decarbonization, infrastructure, energy efficiency, and green energy. It operates through a business network of leading companies and organizations that are spearheading the transition from a traditional to a sustainable economy. GBC has over 130 members from the construction, energy, economy, public administration, and academic communities. It offers benefits such as free participation in educational programs, trainings, working groups and all other events.

Networking and direct collaboration with key stakeholders in the green building and construction industry, such as relevant ministries, agencies, associations, professional chambers, representatives of the construction sector, and other GBC partners, are indispensable and crucial elements.

GBC Croatia has four organizational pillars: membership, events, projects, and certification. It promotes sustainable construction, infrastructure, and mobility and successfully organizes various educational events for both professional and general audiences. Over fifteen years, GBC has hosted numerous conferences, workshops, symposiums, and training sessions that have attracted more than 15,000 attendees.

GBC Croatia has positioned itself as a key strategic and expert partner in numerous projects funded by national and EU sources. The development and implementation of the DGNB system adapted to the Croatian market is currently underway, and GBC Croatia is the official DGNB System and Academy Partner. This means that GBC is the only entity authorized to educate new DGNB experts and certify them according to DGNB standards in the Croatian market.

On a global scale, GBC is an established member of the World Green Building Council (WGBC) and the European Regional Network of Green Building Councils (ERN). Recently, it has joined esteemed organizations - REHVA & CPEA - to strengthen international cooperation.

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