"Welcome speach by Johann Zirngibl (right) Convenor TC205/WG9, REHVA vice president"

The 30th of September, took place in Paris the ISO/TC163 and ISO/TC205 workshop. ISO/TC 163 “Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment” is focusing on the building fabric. ISO/TC205 “Building environment design” is focussing on Building technical systems.  

The main purpose of this workshop was to exchange on the opportunities related to the development and use of ISO standards, for example the EN ISO 52000 series, for the decarbonisation, energy efficiency and the building energy performance assessment.

Keynote speakers from the European Commission, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Energy Agency (IEA), the industry and from ASHRAE presented their approach on standardisation.

In his opening and welcome speech, Johann Zirngibl, REHVA vice president and convenor of ISO/TC205/WG9 “Heating and cooling systems”, compared the standardisation to the Olympic Games which took place in Paris this year. In the Olympic Games all athletes are competing with the same rules all over the world. He underlined, that this is not yet the case for the building energy performance assessment.

During the working group meetings following the workshop, REHVA member experts contributed with their expertise and experience to the development of reliable, high quality international standards, to be used worldwide as technical tools for the design of sustainable buildings and for the application of building regulations in practise. 

      "ISO Delegates at the ISO TC163/205 workshop"

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