In the past weeks, our new colleague, Francesco Robimarga, attended several events organized in the Brussels arena. Here is its insight on the events he participated in. 

11th of April

EBC breakfast at the European Parliament, “The path forward for empowered construction SMEs and a sustainable built environment”

The European Building Confederation (EBC), organised a breakfast type of event in the European Parliament premises to send out its messages for the new EU legislature 2024-2029. This was also an occasion for EBC to illustrate its five action points, in the presence of two MEPs Brando Benifei (S&D/IT) and Henk Jan Ormel (EPP/NL), amongst several other distinguished guests.

Healthy Building Barometer 2024 launch event

On the same day, REHVA attended the Healthy Buildings Barometer 2024, co-organised by the Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) and by our supporter Velux. The two organisations illustrated the Healthy Building Barometer 2024, which since 2015 has been tracking the state of European Union homes as well as shining a light on workplaces and educational institutions. The 2024 edition includes a comprehensive framework for healthy buildings based on scientific research and illustrated through 12 case studies from across the EU.

18th of April

Looking Ahead: Net Zero Technologies & PFAS

The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE), REHVA supporter, arranged a panel discussion to shed a light on the PFAS Restriction proposal, submitted by five European countries to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Distinguished panellists provided the technical framework of the proposal at hand.

23rd of April

Engaging Retail Lenders in Home Renovations

Climate Strategy & Partners, together with Renovate Europe brought together policymakers and banks representatives to exchange ideas on how to finance the renovation wave in Europe. Attendees had the opportunity to explore the synergies with the new European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition(launched the day before),  as well as to dive into the instruments and financial frameworks that will unlock private financing for buildings renovation, e.g., through the report Engaging Retail Lenders in Home Renovations.

25th of April

How can Europe fill the clean heat gap?

Euroheat & Power organised a Webinar on the crucial necessity of transitioning to clean heat is crucial for climate goals, energy security, and affordability. More specifically, the webinar analysed 12 EU countries' progress and offer policy recommendations for clean heat adoption.

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