On 19 June, EPEE held its Symposium event at the beautiful Dominican Hotel in Brussels.

The event was structured into three different sessions, which, through keynote speeches and panel discussions, provided the audience with a broad range of political and technical insights. These sessions bridged different perspectives to offer a more comprehensive approach.

Whilst the first session focused on the challenges ahead for the stakeholders involved in the industry, the second one provided more purely political type of insights, by delving into the criticalities and opportunities that the new European Parliament will bring in general as well as for the sector at hand, specifically. 

Finally, a third and last session focused more on the current implementation of two crucial pieces of legislation such as the EPBD and the EED. In this framework, speakers highlighted the varied impacts that the main provisions of this legislation will have on the industry and how best to navigate the implementation process led by the European Commission in dialogue with  Member States.

The event ended with a delightful networking drink session and  dinner, where attendees had the opportunity to debrief and further discuss what they had learned during the conference.

Francesco Robimarga, REHVA Policy and Advocacy Officer, pleasantly represented REHVA in this meaningful event. At REHVA, we look forward to continuing our prosperous relationship with EPEE, in its capacity as a REHVA supporter.

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