See you in India!
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Join us at ACREX 2023!

REHVA will be attending ACREX India 2023 from March 14 till March 16.

The focus for ACREX INDIA 2023 shall be on advancements in technology in the HVAC sector, which is pivotal in creating a better future, better world. Living up to its legacy and raising the benchmark further, ACREX INDIA 2023 shall stand tall as the most coveted, comprehensive conglomeration for industry professionals from around the globe. Experts from all over the world will come together to meet people, cultivate and expand networks and conduct business.

REHVA will be present at booth A05

Together with ISHRAE, we are organizing a seminar "Engineering towards Net Zero" that will take place on 14 March, from 2PM till 5PM. 

REHVA President, Catalin LUNGU, will give a presentation about "LEVEL(s) and SRI-EU tools for decarbonization of the built environment", and Tomasz Cholewa, REHVA TRC member & co-chair of the task force for building decarbonisation will talk about "HVAC professionals as key players in energy retrofit and decarbonization of existing buildings".

Eurovent Certita Certification's head of International Affairs & Partnerships, Eric Foucherot, will present "Energy Efficient Ventilation: Investors should take the control". 



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