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ISH China & CIHE 2021: Almost There

ISH China & CIHE: the go-to trade fair for capturing lucrative opportunities in China’s HVAC industry

Since the launch of the coal-to-electricity policy, China's HVAC market has evolved from high growth rate to focusing on introducing quality products to ensure clean air for the country. While the Chinese government focuses on exploring a variety of renewable energy sources, manufacturers are developing innovative products which embed cloud and IoT+ technologies to enhance and monitor product efficiency. These collective national policies will steer China’s HVAC industry towards a cleaner and more comfortable future.

Headed by the biennial ISH event in Frankfurt, Germany, the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water, ISH China & CIHE has gradually earned a reputation for being a must-attend HVAC event for global brands to launch their latest, products in the China and Asia markets. The 2021 fair will feature three new themes: Energy, Water and Life, which are in line with the current national developments. The new themes will offer business opportunities for exhibitors to meet with target buyers, helping you to find your place in the progressive Chinese market.

Coal-to-clean energy policy continues to revolutionise China’s HVAC market, with diversified choices for clean, comfortable and innovative solutions

China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, which will be executed between 2021 and 2025, is expected to endorse high-quality infrastructure development while further expanding the domestic economy. In addition to improving the national economy, the plan will put emphasis on clean renewable energy production and consumption. These new initiatives will not only improve the national business environment, but will expedite more HVAC-related projects and offer greater opportunities for HVAC suppliers worldwide.

Read more about specialised display areas, zones and pavilions that offer companies exposure to China’s lucrative HVAC market.

For more information about ISH China & CIHE and ISH Shanghai & CIHE, please visit or email

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