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Fit for 55: First part published!

With the intention to put the bloc on course to meet its targets of a 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the European Commission rolls out the largest ever legislative package (Fit for 55) that brings revisions of 8 existing legislations, accompanied also by 5 new proposals. Among them, the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), along with the establishment of a new self-standing Emission Trading System (ETS) for the building sector. REHVA supports the call for an ambitious and coherent “Fit for 55” package that aims to boost the uptake of energy efficiency measures in currently slow-paced sectors such as buildings and pave the way towards the decarbonisation of heating and cooling sectors by also increasing their renewable energy share.


The Commission has released the first part of the "Fit for 55" package of proposals along with the Communication. This set of proposals aims to get the EU's policies on climate, energy, land use, transport, buildings and taxation ready for the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

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