Webinar: IEA EBC Annex 78: Substituting Ventilation by Gas Phase Air Cleaning

  • When: 07 Nov 2022
  • Where: online
  • Event type: Seminar

Worldwide, there is an increasing number of publications related to air cleaning and there is an increasing sale of gas phase air cleaning products. This puts a demand for verifying the influence of using air cleaning on indoor air quality, comfort, well-being and health. It is thus important to learn whether air cleaning can supplement ventilation with respect to improving air quality i.e. whether it can partly substitute the ventilation rates required by standards. There is also a need to evaluate the energy impact of using air cleaning as supplement to ventilation.

In many locations in the world, the outdoor air quality is so bad that it is better to avoid supplying outdoor air to the buildings. In such cases, the alternative to use ventilation is to substitute supply of outdoor air with air cleaning. Even when outdoor air is of a good quality, the use of air cleaning substituting ventilation air could reduce the rate of outdoor air supplied indoors. Therefore, it is possible to save energy for pre-heating/cooling the ventilation air and for transporting the air (fan energy).
To verify the performance of gas phase air cleaning technologies there is a need to develop appropriate standard test methods, which will be covered by presentations and discussion in this webinar.

This webinar is organized by the IEA EBC Annex 78 & AIVC. The webinar is facilitated by INIVE.

Programme (CET)

  • 15:00 | Introduction to IEA-EBC Annex 78 and the concept of substituting Ventilation by Gas Phase Air Cleaning, Bjarne W. Olesen, ICIEE/DTU, Denmark
  • 15:10 | Description of gas phase Air Cleaning Technologies, Alireza Afshari, AAU, Denmark
  • 15:20 | Existing standards for testing gas phase air cleaners, Paolo Tronville, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • 15:30 | Questions and answers
  • 15:40 | Measuring Perceived Air Quality for testing air cleaners, Pawel Wargocki, ICIEE/DTU, Denmark
  • 15:55 | Results of a new testing method including perceived air quality, Fang Lei, ICIEE/DTU, Denmark
  • 16:15 | Proposed plan for developing a new testing standard, Bjarne W. Olesen, ICIEE, DTU, Denmark
  • 16:25 | Questions and answers
  • 16:40 | End of webinar

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