REHVA Technical seminar

    18 October 2012 from 09.00 to 16.30, Brussels, Belgium

    REHVA’s next Seminar will be held at the Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie in Brussels, Belgium on the 18th October 2012. The focus of this Seminar will be on Buildings and HVAC-Products Related to the EU Energy Efficiency Regulations.
    The Conference will be covering topics such as Recent actions at the EC and Energy Efficiency Directive EED, nZEB national definitions study or alternative presentation on Buildings and health, Revision of REHVA nZEB technical definition, Inspection of air-conditioning systems, Benefits of display energy certificates in United Kingdom, French policy and regulations for retrofitting, Revision of EPBD TC156 or TC228 standards, Indian Building Energy Efficiency and HVAC Policies and Standards& Codes System, Energy efficiency with certified products, Space and water heaters, New standard for air cleaners, Air –conditioning products regulations based on Ecodesign directive ENTR Lot 6, TC 350 standards for social and environmental sustainability include indoor climate and energy efficiency and EU Ecolabel criteria for Office Building.

    Programme on Buildings and HVAC-Products Related EU Regulations (09.00 - 16.30) Meeting room: Embassy & Consulate Chairs: Michael Schmidt, REHVA President and Ioan Silviu Dobosi, Vice-president of REHVA, Chair of the Supporter Committee 08.30-09.00 RegistrationFrom 09.00Welcome and opening of the seminar Michael Schmidt, REHVA President  Update on EU policies for energy efficiency: Recent developments on the Directives on Energy Efficiency, Energy Performance of Buildings, Eco-design and Energy-labelling Clemens Haury, DG Energy, European Commission Revision of REHVA nZEB technical definition for nearly zero energy buildings Jarek Kurnitski, Vice President REHVA, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia  TC 350 standards for social and environmental sustainability (indoor climate and EE) Ari Ilomäki, chair of TC 350, Finland  Indian building energy efficiency and HVAC policies and standards & codes system Sushil K. Choudhury, National President of ISHRAE –  Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers, India 12.00 - 13.00    LunchEnergy efficiency with certified products, Eurovent Certification Sylvain Courtey, Eurovent Certification  Performance of HVAC systems (quality, maintenance and inspections): the impact of the life cycle on the building value Frank Hovorka, Caisse des Dépôts, France New standard for air cleaners  Bjarne W. Olesen, Vice President REHVA, Denmark  Benefits of display energy certificates in United Kingdom Donald Leeper, CIBSE, United Kingdom  French policy and regulations for retrofitting Francis Allard, University of La Rochelle, France  Roundtable discussion and concluding remarks Moderator: Bjarne W. Olesen, Vice President REHVA Come and share your experience and expectations. We will be delighted to see you at this occasion. It is also an occasion to network with others companies. Advance registration100 € per person is requested for participant fee, coffee breaks and lunch. On-site registration120 € per person is requested for participant fee, coffee breaks and lunch. For more information about the REHVA Technical Seminar or to register, please contact

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