'Delivering Resilient High Performance Buildings' Engineering and maintaining buildings and systems to provide resilient lifetime performance

    5-6 April, 2017
    Loughborough University, UK CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2017 

    The 2017 theme, Delivering Resilient High Performance Buildings, is inspired by this year’s ASHRAE and CIBSE presidential themes, respectively “Adapt Today to Shape Tomorrow” and “Improving Performance”. The aim of the 2017 Technical Symposium is to provide evidence of the successful adoption of resilience in the design and operation of buildings.

    The seventh annual Technical Symposium looks to encourage the participation of both young and experienced industry practitioners, researchers and building users to share experiences and develop networks.

    The Technical Symposium benefits from the keen support and learned input of both the volunteers on the organising committee and the scientific committee as well, of course, the presenters - without whom the Technical Symposium could not take place. 

    Further information on Loughborough University and the surrounding area can be found Opens external link in new windowhere. 

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