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European Energy Efficiency Conference: achieving climate neutrality!

European Energy Efficiency Conference

achieving climate neutrality!

Becoming the first climate neutral continent by 2050 is an ambitious goal that requires ambitious measures. Energy efficiency as the "first fuel" of the energy transition and "global leadership in renewables" are at the centre of the roadmap for making the EU’s economy sustainable.

The European Energy Efficiency Conference is a leading international conference on achieving global climate neutrality. It offers up-to-date information on how the energy transition is progressing throughout Europe and worldwide.

Each year, over 400 participants and 60 speakers from more than 50 countries gather for this event!


Hot topics of the 2020 edition:

  • The new EU Green Deal: Revealing first measures of the Green Deal!
  • Energy transition in action: Convincing examples of how, at the local level, a better society is already being created through the energy transition.
  • Industry - independent from fossil fuels: "Industry 5.0 – energy decarbonisation" will characterise the next big step in the industrial transformation.
  • E-mobility on the move: Learn how the energy transition in the mobility sector is progressing. Markets, battery innovations, best practice examples and more.
  • Green financing: The energy transition requires investments! Having a toolbox of smart financing instruments and programmes unlocks possibilities.


Value for time!

In just 2.5 days, profit from up-to-date information on current trends in the sustainable energy world, technical site visits, a major tradeshow and valuable networking opportunities.


Where and when?

4-6 March 2020 in Wels/Upper Austria. The event is organised by the OÖ Energiesparverband, the Energy Agency of Upper Austria. Upper Austria is a leader region in the energy transition: GHG emissions from buildings were reduced by 37% in 10 years. Over 58% of all space heating and 31% of the primary energy already come from renewables.


As cooperation partner of the event, REHVA encourages you to take advantage of this comprehensive package wrapped in Austrian hospitality!


40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062