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Belimo Energy Valve™ and Thermal Energy Meter

The unity of the certified Belimo Thermal Energy Meter™ and the enhanced Belimo Energy Valve™ allows for transparent thermal energy management. The two worlds of “energy control” and “certified energy measurement and billing” are now being united. Accurately measure and monitor thermal flows and and energy consumption in heating and cooling systems with direct IoT-based cost accounting using a single device. The new MID-approved Thermal Energy Meters assure high accuracy and reliability, allowing for easy and efficient billing. But measuring reliably is only the beginning. The Belimo Energy Valve™ instantly controls the thermal flow and optimises the energy supply to the user. With this important combination Belimo is stepping into a new era of integrated thermal energy management and is bringing together what belongs together.

Thermal energy management and billing made easier than ever.

Find out more:

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062